The Province of Nova Scotia and the Coaching Association of Canada are hosting a Safe Sport Summit on March 27, 2019 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at Hotel Halifax (formerly known as the Delta Halifax) in the Baronet Ballroom.

This working summit, part of a Safe Sport Summit Series which will be held throughout the country, is a half day collaborative meeting to contribute to the development of a harmonized code of conduct, along with a universal code of sanctions. Delegates will also focus on the challenges or threats to implementing a pan-Canadian code. The summits will focus on the most egregious forms of abuse. Each summit will incorporate working sessions to review existing codes and to develop recommendations. A reporting and voting session on the proposed recommendations will be held, with the results to be included in a report back to delegates. Each Provincial/Territorial Report will be incorporated into a national report and will set the stage for a National Safe Sport Summit in April/May 2019. The National Safe Sport Summit will be held in collaboration with the NSO National Safe Sport Task Force.

We encourage representation from athletes, coaches, officials and administrators who contribute to safe sport and recreation in Nova Scotia. A maximum of three delegates per organization will be accepted based on capacity.

RSVP by March 15, 2019

*Registration and a light breakfast will be from 8:00 am to 8:30 am