NS Snowboard is now accepting nominees for the 2022/2023 NS board of directors. If interested in volunteering as a member of the board, please email Andrew Hayes at alpinens@sportnovascotia.ca with your expression of interest before May 8th, 2022.

Please see below for the NS Snowboard Board of Director Responsibilities and more info on the organization and our mission;

    • The member position description shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Directors through the appropriate committee. Accountability
      • The Board of Directors is collectively accountable to the members of Nova Scotia Snowboard and its other stakeholders.  The Board is accountable for Nova Scotia Snowboard’s performance in relation to its strategic objectives and for the effective stewardship of its resources.


      • Individual board members have no authority to approve actions by Nova Scotia Snowboard, to direct staff, or to speak on behalf of Nova Scotia Snowboard unless given such authority by the Board.

      Time commitment

      • Four to six hours a month (board meetings, preparing for board meetings, participating in committees and attending events)

      Terms of Office

      • Two years per term. Those wishing to serve more than two terms require Board approval as per Nova Scotia Snowboard Bylaws.


      • As a board member you are responsible to:
      • act honestly and in good faith in the best long-term interest of Nova Scotia Snowboard;
      • exercise the care, diligence, and skill of a reasonably prudent person;
      • supervise and direct the business and affairs of Nova Scotia Snowboard;
      • represent the interest of all members and stakeholders in the governance of Nova Scotia Snowboard and to ensure the best interests of Nova Scotia Snowboard are paramount.

      Principle Duties

      • As a board member you are expected to:
      • respect the confidentiality about board matters and issues;
      • know Nova Scotia Snowboard’s mission, purpose, goals, policies, programs, services, strengths, and needs;
      • prepare for and participate in board meetings;
      • listen to others’ views, advocate your own, identify common interests and alternatives, and be open to compromise;
      • participate fully and frankly in the deliberations and discussions of the Board;
      • support governance decisions once made;
      • participate in the review of the Nova Scotia Snowboard’s objectives and in the development of a strategic plan
      • help the board monitor the performance of Nova Scotia Snowboard in relation to its mission, objectives, core values and reputation
      • abide by the bylaws, code of conduct, conflict of interest and other policies that apply to the board
      • faithfully read and understand the Nova Scotia Snowboard’s financial statements
      • approve Nova Scotia Snowboard’s annual budget and monitor the financial performance of Nova Scotia Snowboard
      • establish, review and monitor policies
      • approve the hiring and release of the Executive Director based on the recommendations from a board committee
      • support and participate in the evaluation of the Executive director
      • identify prospective committee members and help recruit them
      • participate in the self-evaluation of the board
      • contribute to the board through committee work
      • attend and participate in the Annual General Meeting
      • be an ambassador for Nova Scotia Snowboard
      • keep informed about issues relevant to the objectives of Nova Scotia Snowboard


Nova Scotia Snowboard is a member-operated PSO that supports its snowboard programs, their coaches and athletes. Nova Scotia Snowboard is a member of both Canada Snowboard & Sport Nova Scotia


Our primary goal is to introduce snowboarding, in a safe and friendly environment to the province of Nova Scotia. As well as developing youth athlete’s individual abilities, the organization provides support to our members to build their skills and confidence. Our snowboarders develop strength, agility, balance as well as overall health, fitness, confidence, and drive. Nova Scotia Snowboard continues to work with national, provincial and local skiing organizations to develop high-performance athletes. We firmly believe that grassroots development is what drives the discovery of future Olympians.